Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Toys Go Out: Being the Adventures of a Knowledgeable Stingray, a Toughy Little Buffalo, and Someone Called Plastic

By Emily Jenkins

Another MUST READ this summer! Toys Go Out is a collection of six stories that reveal the small adventures of the same group of toys; the stories are not chronologically connected. In each story the toys learn about the world in which they live and their place in it. The adventures begin when three of them are trapped in a dark, damp backpack and, because they don't understand where they are going, imagine the worst. Then Plastic, the red bouncy ball, has an identity crisis until Tuk Tuk the towel sets her straight. Later, Lumphy conquers his fear of the washing machine, and both StingRay and Lumphy learn an important lesson about jealousy. In the end, they all celebrate their love for one another and the little girl at a very special birthday party. This is an amazingly fun book to read!!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Looking For A Good Book???

The Tale of Despereaux, by Kate DiCamillo

This is a must read! It's an adventure-fairy tale type of story. Despereaux Tilling is a little mouse with big ears and an extra large heart. Some of his loves include music, reading, and a beautiful princess. Despereaux is brave, courageous, and willing to fight for what he believes in. His life began as a struggle. His mother, who is French, says he is a disappointment as soon as he is born. The rest of his family seems to agree that he is very odd: his ears are too big and his eyes open far too soon and they all expect him to die quickly. Of course, he doesn't. Using his determination, he manages to get things going in the right direction! Another important character, Roscuro, lives in the dungeon and is out to get the princess. Miggery Sow's story is also a sad one, but she follows her dream. The lives of these three characters become intertwined as they all try to achieve their goals. This fairy tale is entertaining, captivating, and, an excellent story! I read it in one sitting because I just couldn't put it down! I hope you enjoy it as much as I have.